Welcome to Friday! How does it look from your end?
Today’s song really is paired with the song from the prior chapter, yesterday’s song. Yesterday we had a song of rebounding from setbacks; today we have a song which continues that theme, and looks forward.
See, Kendra’s an optimist. Always has been. She believes in the future of humanity, and has dedicated her life to that belief. Willy-nilly she’s dragging a growing population along with her into this new, hopeful future.
Kendra’s also a realist. She knows that not everyone agrees with her, and she’s taken steps to protect her dream from being derailed. But that doesn’t mean she’s not committed to getting out of this war by any means possible, and if it means she takes some chances, well, that’s what she’ll do.
Today’s song is a classic. Peace Train, by Cat Stevens.
If you’re enjoying the songs, order the paperback of A Quiet Revolution and I’ll send you a file with all thirty songs included! Just show me proof of purchase. Or you can order the e-book for half-price until the official release day! And don’t forget to enter to win AUTOGRAPHED copies!