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Support Sunday!


Thanks for coming back today - I appreciate you!

It's been a week. Just eight days ago, one of my favorite performers raised a final toast. It's been tough to get past it, but I'm getting there. I'm talking about Jimmy Buffett, of course.

(A very good article about Jimmy and the American perception of summer HERE)

It's kinda incredible how many tributes poured out, from people who you wouldn't expect to share a deep connection. Alan Jackson, sure. Paul McCartney? Not so much.

And it's appropriate that Jimmy left Labor Day weekend, as that was always the unofficial end of his work year.

For us Parrotheads, there's one more album coming in October. Some songs have already come out; one of them is "Bubbles Up", and it seems like especially apropos.

So this week, raise a toast to Jimmy, have a cheeseburger with a big pickle dill, remember that math suks (his spelling), and don't forget to grow older, not up. #FinsUp

Let's get onto more bookish things, shall we?


It's slowing down a bit, but there are still chances to see me live and in person!

First, if you're in or around Southern Colorado, I'm a literary guest for GET LIT, presented by Corazon de Trinidad Creative District. It's FREE to drop in, but there are workshops, meet-and-greets, a gala dinner, and even a play. Check out the full schedule and buy a ticket HERE.

After that, if you're on the East Coast, I'll be at DerpyCon in October, in glorious New Brunswick, NJ! My flights and hotel are confirmed so let's do this thing!

I know my friend Noelle Kalipetis will be joining me on a panel, and I'll be doing plenty of speaking and Q&A's, so this is THE con to come and get to know me!

Check their website HERE

After that, there's a little gap, but not too long.

One more appearance booked for 2023, and that's as a vendor at the BRAND NEW sci-fi fandom convention, GalactiCon, right here in Denver!

For a new con, they're bringing in some names. Check it out:

I'll be sharing a table with my new friend Hayley Rae Johnson, a talented fantasy author. Sleep in on Black Friday and drop by the con to do your holiday shopping for all your geek needs! Get those tickets NOW while they're on sale! Buy HERE.

And you should check out Hayley's books too. CLICK HERE FOR HER WEBSITE

Right, that's it for conventions and appearances, so let's move on!

Hey, look, I'm in a FANTASY Anthology!

I sat down and wrote a neat little story about a young woman discovering, to her shock, that her humanity isn't all she thought it was. This story doesn't appear anywhere else, since it's not a Cassidyverse tale, so if you want to get it, you have to get this anthology.

This is a FanX Salt Lake exclusive (for now), NOT available on Amazon or anywhere like that.

But I can order you a copy! It will take about 3 weeks from payment to you receiving it - I have to order from the publisher, receive it, sign it, and send it to you - but if you want your VERY limited edition copy, give me a shout. The cost is only $25, and that includes all shipping!

How do you reach me? Comment on this post or hit me on FB/IG/Twitter!

This month's half-price book!

Actually, it's LESS than half price!

Add to your Artemis War collection with the book that dares ask what it means to be human.

What does it mean to be human? Kendra’s going to test those limits.

The Artemis Colony thought it would flatten the newborn Terran Federation, but Kendra Cassidy’s creation is still standing.

Both sides are bloodied but unbowed six months after the first shots were fired.

Realizing they can’t topple the Federation through force alone, Artemis digs into Kendra’s past and discovers a skeleton.

ow she must defend herself in space as well as the courts.

If she fails in either? Her Federation will fall.

Buy from your favorite retailer by clicking on the cover


Right - moving on to MULTIPLE books!

As always, the banners are listed in expiration order - if it's at the top, it's going away first.

Don't wait to get these deals!


That was a LONG post - hope that you made it this far.

If so, you're a trooper!

I've got one last thing for you.

Did you know my wife - besides being one of smartest people I know and the co-author of four upcoming books - hosts a weekly television show and podcast? No?

Then you probably don't know she's on 450+ outlets, including Apple, Google, Spotify, Roky, iHeart, and lots more.

It's called Navigating Complicated Relationships, and it's about avoiding the rocks and shoals which we all seem to run into from time to time.

It airs Wednesdays at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific, and replays are available 24/7 from your favorite outlet. Check it out, click on the banner:

See you soon!


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