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Saturday Special

Freebies! Discounts! Bargains!

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

I've got some goodies for you today, and I couldn't wait to share them with you. NONE of them are my books; you have to wait until next week to get anything about those. No, all of these are things you can take advantage of TODAY and save some GREEN - especially important this time of year, right?

First up, a new delivery service!

Okay, who here is shocked by the price of bread in the supermarket? Five bucks for a loaf of bread? Really? Even the "cheap stuff" - you know, the white bread that squishes down to nothing - is a couple bucks a loaf, and you KNOW they're made with chemicals and ingredients you wouldn't put on your lawn, let along eat!

If you're lucky enough to have a good local bakery in your town, you have access to the good stuff. Artisinal breads, made in small batches, sold in limited quantities, and when they're out, they're out. Right? Yum! All things considered, their prices aren't ridiculous, not in comparison to supermarket stuff. Seven, eight, nine bucks for a loaf of fresh sourdough is a bargain in comparison! The problem, of course, is the size of their batches and the hours they keep. Where we live, I got to know a baker over the summer, and she's up at 1am to do her baking and in bed mid-afternoon. The local bakery opens at 8 and closes at 3.

So getting quality baked goods can be tough!

Enter WildGrain. This company wants you to buy their frozen loaves, their pasta, their pastries, and get them shipped to you. You bake the loaves and rolls at home, so you can have them whenever you want. For example, fresh-baked rolls on Thanksgiving you don't have to make from scratch? The smell of baking bread filling your home? Oh, can't you smell that??

It's not cheap, but if it's quality? I'll pay for quality, and I know you will, too.

So here's the deal. If you want to try them, click on the image below. Enter your name and email, and you'll get $30 off your first box. Their smallest box is $69, which means you'll only pay $39 for that first one, containing six choices! That's less than seven bucks an item, which is a STEAL.

Go ahead. Click. Check it out.

Our Winner for Best Meat Delivery

Since we moved to Colorado, we've been experimenting with meat delivery boxes. Why? Because good, quality, organic meat is both expensive and hard to find!

Sure, we can get the occasional cut at the local store, but not consistently, and not the variety we'd like to have. When you want a tomahawk but all they carry are sirloin? Not the same, and I know you know what I mean!

We also don't want the "everything is high-end and exquisite" boxes. I won't name the company, but you all know who I'm talking about. Filet mignon burgers? Really?

After three years, we finally have a winner. Consistent pricing, good variety, quality, periodic deals, fast and free shipping, they have it all.

Who is it?

Butcher Box.

Their basic box - which you can customize - has six items and costs $169. You can adjust the frequency they ship to you, but we get one box a month and don't quite use it all for two people. We also get a number of deals we've added on - like a pack of bacon each delivery for life, or a package of shrimp each delivery for a year - which helps stretch our dollars. All told, we get about 28# of meat (beef, chicken, fish, BACON!) each month for that basic price, which is just over six bucks a pound. Pretty good pricing for organics!

And now you can try it out and get $50 off!

Click the picture below and you're on your way to GOOD food and REASONABLE prices!

Finally, let's wrap this up with FREE BOOKS!

Click on a banner and you can download to your heart's content! You don't have to spend a PENNY - though I can't say you might not have to sign up for someone else's newsletter.

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