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Adam Interviews...Rose Sinclair!

I'm back, and I have a friend with me now!

Rose is a hugely talented author who has a lyrical way with words. She's contributed to two anthologies I've published - Spice & Steam as well as the forthcoming Roots of Love (May 15).

Enough from me.

Rose Sinclair is a bi trans author and former community leader who started with a blog in 2013. The biggest noisemaker they spearheaded was a protest in 2015 that made GLADD step up for the wider LGBTQIA+ community, paving the way for future acceptance of those communities and on-screen TV representation. Before becoming a full-time writer, they popularized several community terms and set up a decentralized support system with a "Dear Abby" style approach. They are the author of HELLO WORLD, organizer of community projects, and now write the steamy BIG BAD MAGIC SERIES.

Star Trek or Star Wars? Star Trek

Firefly – gone too soon or overrated? I refuse to rewatch because I want it to stay in Gone Too Soon section.

A book that pleasantly surprised you? I’ve been reading a lot of Oscar Wilde’s non-fiction and they have been a delight.

1 When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

I always naturally leaned into writing fiction, and it wasn’t ever a “want to be” type of thing. But it wasn’t until college that I realized it was something someone could, and sometimes had to, fully choose to be.

2 What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?

I really love comparative theology, which I think gives me writing something special when I write about relgious themes.

3 When did you write your first book and how old were you?

I finished my first novel about a decade ago, and never stopped since!

4 Is there a trope you find yourself going back to in multiple works? Or one you avoid?

As a fan of reglious themes, while also not deciated to one faith, I really enjoy any sort of resurrection trope. I also have a playfully fun habit of turning characters to stone as seen in my Spice & Steam short story which now proudly sits as my newsletter freebie. <3

5 What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?

Largely that the technology in my science fiction books has caught up in a number of places. When writing about technology that could exist, when you have a tech background, it’s bound to happen. But it is always surprising to actually see it come true.

6 Do you have any suggestions to help someone become a better writer? If so, what are they?

You have to ask yourself what is sustainable. What can you do that doesn’t just feed into your bad habits or trades away your well-being for far too fleeting attention? Depression does not make for better art, and you don’t want to find yourself on top of the world, hating it all, and feeling like you should be happy -- but unable to even think of the last time you actually were.

7 What is the most unethical practice in the publishing industry?

Captialism :)

8 Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Both! My co-author once described be like a train that can do a really long haul once it gets going and just does not stop until I reach whatever destination I picked. But at the end of writing for 12 hours you get pretty tired.

9 What are common traps for aspiring writers?

Most likely the survivorship bias. People will try to mirror what others are doing, often for very good and thoughtful reasons. But sometimes they also just see someone famous and forget at there success was made 20+ years ago which for art and economies is a very very long time ago.

10 Did you ever consider writing under a pseudonym?

I did! But then I got really emotional and John Proctor from the Crucible about it and decided to stick with what I had “because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life.” I know there’s not a lot of logic in that, but even as someone who writes across genre and age group I do feel like my books should have my name on them.

What do you have coming next?

As of writing this The Cupid Fate is nearly here and might have even landed by posting. It is such a fun story about love, romance, and literally fighting Strife in the Underworld. I am also in the process of writing book two which will have even more occult vibes. Be sure to follow on via my Newsletter, Instagram or Facebook so you don’t mean any of the hellishly good time.


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